[ Mp3 + Lyrics] Immeasurable by Blessing 

Immeasurable by Blessing is a song that talks about the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
 Immeasurable implies that Jesus love and sacrifice cannot be measured and can never be compared to any other kind of love.

The Bible says while we were yet sinners Jesus gave up himself for us I mean who would give their life for us knowing fully well that we may never reciprocate or even cherish it. 

Immeasurable was given to help people remember and get closure of  Jesus sacrifice and eternal love.


Whom shall i send and who will go for me?.

Here i am father send me.


Love so beautiful incomparable.

Love without an end so kind and pure  1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

I was so far away ,yet you came for me (Romans 5:8)

You bought me out of law,sins and darkness with your blood...( Colossians 1:14)

What amazing price and love is this?.(1 Peter 1:18-19)

That you took my place and laid down your life just for me. (1 Peter 3:18)

What amazing gift you gave to me. (John 3:16)

That your faithful love will never fade away. (Rom.8:38-39)


Jesus i am nothing without your love

 i  am nothing without your price (Isaiah 53:12)

I am helpless without your help.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Amazing love is this
Such amazing price you've paid.


Jesus i am nothing without your love 

 i  am nothing without your price.

I am helpless without your help.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 
Amazing love is this
Such amazing price you've paid.